kao's page

Close up of Kao's face, while he's lying down over a picnic towel, hands behind his head, wearing orange rimmed sunglasses, grey t-shirt and a daisy attached to his dark hair and a big smile surounded by his beard.

Hi, I'm Kao Félix

I'm a parent and I have a dog. I work as a Software Developer and I love music, video games, art, and programming.

I currently work for Sahaj Software, a software consultancy company, where I help clients to build and maintain different sorts of application.

I will do most of my work in Emacs, with few exceptions. I'm a fan of Python for it's combination of simplicity and pragmatism, which I would say is the language that I'm most fluent on, but I will take on any language or technology that is necessary to get the job done.

I write stuff, sometimes...

A New Beginning

Published on: 2025-01-13

If you look at the post history that I brought along here, you can tell this is not my first attempt at creating a blog and that I have not been very consistent in writing posts across the years. For most of my…

Using Github with Multiple Accounts

Published on: 2019-04-08

At my current project, I need to use a different Github account from my personal one. To improve my workflow, I had to find a way to easily switch between both accounts. I explored a few options until settling with, in my opinion,

Going Responsive

Published on: 2014-02-25

I'm not going to pretend that this blog is about more than me learning and experimenting with new HTML and CSS stuff and that it is about a steady stream of posts---this time around is different though, this redesign is…

see archive